Wednesday 10 September 2014

Patachitra- A glimpse on an age old Folk Art.

Art refers to the creative expression of an artist which has attracted people in all ages and all times. Folk art is a branch of art,which has verbally transmitted and developed in folk-groups and in folk societies. In India, folk art generally formed by the illiterate or semi illiterate village people. It is true that they were very poor in economic condition and did not had any modern technological concept of art but the general concept existed in their blood. Particularly in case of Patachitra, we may observe that this type of folk art is ethnic in nature and it is very colorful, it also bears traditional and cultural element of country's rich heritage.

                   (A traditional Kalighat Patachitra)

Patachitra or Scroll Painting comes from the eastern part of India mainly from the states of West Bengal,Jharkhand and Orissa. The Bengali scroll tradition is an ancient one, featuring single image paintings or long vertical multi-paneled scrolls known as 'patas' (paintings) or'jorana patas' (scroll paintings). Painted jorano patas of rural Bengal are one of the few genuine narrative pictorial folk art which is linked with performance which has survived down to the present century.In Bengali, 'Pat' means 'picture' and 'Patua' or 'Chitrakar' means 'Painter'. The Patua is a kind of minstrel, religious preachers who employ these paintings as means to propagate their religion. It was also an important device through which both oral and written epics are narrated. He goes from village to village, carrying these scrolls from door to door, and  depending on people’s request, particular stories would be narrated for a small fee, either in cash or kind.
    (An Artisan with his scroll).          

According to shape and size there are two types of Patachitra were found. These are Squre Pata or Chouko Pata and Rolling Pata or Jarhano Pata. Squre Pata or Chouko Pata is a card shaped Pata, made on the basis of single impression, which has no rolling portion.This type of Pata have been making from post card size to various big sizes. Post card sized Patas are available at the cost of Rs.10. And other type of Chouko Patas price rate depended on the basis of size and quality. And the other type of Pata, named Jorhano Pata or rolling Pata has known in various name, such as Dighal Pata, 
Latai Pata etc. This type of Patachitra had made by the hard work and devotion of Patua. Generally one month to ten month has required for one Rolling Pata, which is depended on how the Pata is long. In length one rolling Pata may be formed within 10 feet to 40 feet. This type of Pata based on dramatic story, which had described by the Patua in his song and in the making of images Patuas used variety of colours.

According to subject matter there are many types of Patachitras were found, such as Chakshudan Pata, Jama Pata, Saheb Pata, Kalighata Pata, Gaji Pata, Satyapirer Pata, Pabuji Pata etc. And in general context of view Patachitra may be devided into six classes. Such as General, Political, Historical, 
Religious, social and environmental. Now here is some example, classification and description on various Pata, as follows— General Pata : All type of single image of man or woman or any kind of general art figure Social Pata : Palse Polio Avijan, eradiction of Malaria, Communal harmony, Terrible Sunami,explosion in Mumbai,Tree Plantation, AIDS Awareness, Awareness on Human Rights, persecution of woman, earthquake, protest to intoxication etc.

  ( Mythological Pata)                              

Mythological Pata: Raban Badha, Sita Haran, King Harishchandra, Krishnaleela, Durgaleela, Sabitree-Satyaban, Manasa Mangal, Chandee Mangal, Dharma Mangal,Annada Mangal etc.
Historical Pata : Second World War, Ajaad Hind Fouj and Netaji Subhas Basu , Atom bomb in Hirosima and Nagasaki, Destruction of Babri Masjid, Terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre(U.S.A.) ,Saheb Pata, Life of Vidyasagar, Life of Rabindranath Thakur, Life of Vivekananda etc.
Religious Pata: GajiPata, Satyapirer Pata, Jama Pata, Shakti Pata, Vaishnab Pata, Chaitanyaleela.

(Pata depicting Ramayana)


In Patua societies we may find an advance sociological pattern and valuable cultural significance, which they maintained in their family structure from old age to modern age. They believe in peaceful living. They have no gender bias in their society. They also believed that they are son of the God Viswakarma. They followed some Hindu customs and also some Islam customs in their family tradition. But as artist they don’t believe in caste or race. 
They believe in human religion. They have no narrow attitude towards life and culture. They have been protecting world humanity by their artistic nature and creativity. So their Patachitra painting has a remarkable contribution to our civilization.

'Naya' is an important place of Folk-art Painting. It is a village of under Pingla Panchayet Samiti of the district of West Midnapore, West Bengal, India. 
It is known as ‘Pater Gram’. In every year there is an international festival, named ‘PATAMAYA’ arranged here by the help of European Union. 

I have visited this village and met with famous Patua Artist Gurupada Chitrakar, Who had been awarded by the ex-President of India (Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam) as one of the best folk-artist of our country. 

I have known such important facts or things of Patachitra Painting from this very man.
  (Patua artist Shri Gurupada Chitrakar).